Business articles by Gundula Harrison

Gun­du­la has pre­vi­ous­ly worked in the auto­mo­tive and indus­tri­al gas­es sec­tors for BMW, Bosch Auto­mo­tive and Linde Gas. She now writes about envi­ron­men­tal top­ics such as hydro­gen mobil­i­ty. A selec­tion of her pub­lished work is pre­sent­ed below.

Business journal articles by Gundula Harrison

Dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion sim­pli­fies refin­ery gas analy­sis and emis­sions mon­i­tor­ing
Öl Gas Europe, Sep­tem­ber 2020

Drei Trends bei Gas­analysatoren zur kon­tinuier­lichen Emis­sion­s­mes­sung
ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE (EEK), Sep­tem­ber 2020

Ingol­stadt ex-refin­ery site envi­ron­men­tal reme­di­a­tion
Öl Gas Europe, Sep­tem­ber 2020

Sabine Busse ABB Divi­sion Pres­i­dent Guest Edi­to­r­i­al
Gun­du­la Har­ri­son – ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE (EEK), Sep­tem­ber 2020

Umwelt­sanierung geht voran

Green ener­gy dri­ving ahead in Ger­many
Pol­lu­tion Sol­lu­tions online, June 2020

Skilling-up for Hydro­gen Mobil­i­ty
Pol­lu­tion Sol­lu­tions Green Ener­gy, May 2020

Audi IN-Cam­pus project May 2020
Gun­du­la Har­ri­son, sbh4 GmbH