Coaching & training

The emerg­ing hydro­gen econ­o­my and relat­ed decar­bon­i­sa­tion top­ics are diverse and mov­ing extreme­ly fast. Keep­ing up is dif­fi­cult. Tak­ing time out to sharp­en the saw with train­ing can help you make bet­ter informed deci­sions. 

Hydrogen and CCTUS training courses

I offer sev­er­al hydro­gen and CCTUS train­ing cours­es for investors, strat­e­gy teams and oper­a­tors in the ener­gy, infra­struc­ture, chem­i­cals and indus­tri­al sec­tors.

Hydrogen, CCTUS and decarbonisation training topics …

  • Waste to hydro­gen
  • Blue ener­gy islands
  • Bio­mass to hydro­gen
  • Hydro­gen safe­ty essen­tials
  • Hydro­gen safe­ty mas­ter­class
  • Tech­nolo­gies for green ammo­nia
  • Ship­ping hydro­gen and deriv­a­tives
  • Path­ways for low-car­bon hydro­gen
  • Tech­nolo­gies for turquoise hydro­gen
  • On-pur­pose blue hydro­gen pro­duc­tion
  • Hydro­gen trans­mis­sion in gas pipelines
  • Hydro­gen refu­elling sta­tion tech­nolo­gies
  • Tech­nolo­gies for pow­er to liq­uids and e-fuels
  • High-capac­i­ty under­ground hydro­gen stor­age
  • CCTUS: CO2 cap­ture, trans­porta­tion, and stor­age
  • Emerg­ing and chal­lenger elec­trol­yser tech­nolo­gies
  • Elec­trol­y­sis tech­nolo­gies for green hydro­gen projects
  • Hydro­gen and deriv­a­tives as heavy-duty trans­porta­tion fuels
  • Feed­stocks and util­i­ties for elec­trol­y­sis: water, nitro­gen, and lye

Please down­load this train­ing and sem­i­nar pre­sen­ta­tion for more infor­ma­tion.

As you are for­mu­lat­ing the right decar­bon­i­sa­tion strat­e­gy or busi­ness devel­op­ment plan you might appre­ci­ate some coach­ing.

Coach­ing is a very per­son­al engage­ment where you remain in con­trol of the top­ics and pace at which they are addressed. I am a cer­ti­fied coach. I am also a cer­ti­fied train­er. With an inter­na­tion­al career span­ning more than 30 years, I also bring plen­ty of hands-on expe­ri­ence to my coach­ing and train­ing.

Typical hydrogen, CCUS and decarbonisation coaching topics …

  • Career piv­ot towards decar­bon­i­sa­tion and the hydro­gen econ­o­my
  • Mon­eti­sa­tion and com­mer­cial­i­sa­tion of tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions
  • Explor­ing and devel­op­ing strate­gic options for decar­bon­i­sa­tion
  • Find­ing investors or fund­ing to main­tain growth momen­tum
  • Scal­ing up hydro­gen pro­duc­tion tech­nolo­gies
  • Project review and imple­men­ta­tion
  • Hydro­gen and CCUS deploy­ment

We are proud of our work and client feed­back. If you would like to review a client rec­om­men­da­tion let­ter relat­ed to one of the above projects, please get in touch.
