We make a difference

sbh4 is an inde­pen­dent advi­so­ry firm focused on decar­bon­i­sa­tion and defos­sil­i­sa­tion through e-fuels, e-fer­til­iz­ers, bio­fu­els, SAF, CCTUS, GHG emis­sions reduc­tion, and the emerg­ing hydro­gen econ­o­my.

Technologies for the future

We pro­vide ‘net-zero’ advi­so­ry ser­vices relat­ed to strat­e­gy, tech­nol­o­gy, and project devel­op­ment. The scope, bud­get and timescale of each engage­ment is cus­tomised to your require­ments. Much of our work is per­form­ing due dili­gence on behalf of investors. These engage­ments are gen­er­al­ly on fixed time­lines and with clear­ly defined deliv­er­ables.

We also take long-term ‘oper­at­ing part­ner’ engage­ments in sup­port of oper­at­ing com­pa­nies seek­ing to decar­bonise, star­tups look­ing to grow and project devel­op­ers who are keen to pre­pare the most investable clean ener­gy projects with the best returns. In these cas­es, the nature of our sup­port can evolve flex­i­bly through the engage­ment.

Our mission at sbh4

Our mis­sion at sbh4 is to find the right solu­tion to the prob­lem. In our goal of sup­port­ing plan­e­tary health, we will con­sid­er the options and rec­om­mend the most appro­pri­ate strate­gic con­cept and tech­nol­o­gy mix. Beyond cli­mate-tech, clean ener­gy projects, and sup­port­ing the pur­suit of net-zero oper­a­tions, our con­sult­ing ser­vices are offered in the areas of indus­tri­al gas­es, gas analy­sers for process automa­tion and gas detec­tion.

More than 30 years of experience

The founder of sbh4 is Stephen B. Har­ri­son. His expe­ri­ence with hydro­gen, CO2 and oth­er gas­es extends over more than 30 years. Of those, 16 were with BOC Gas­es in the UK and The BOC Group inter­na­tion­al­ly. He also worked as a senior glob­al exec­u­tive for Linde Gas in Munich for 10 years.

Through Stephen’s involve­ment in indus­tri­al gas­es, he has a deep expo­sure to a diverse range of prod­ucts, includ­ing hydro­gen, car­bon diox­ide, air gas­es and heli­um. Med­ical gas­es, fuel gas­es, weld­ing gas­es, bev­er­age dis­pense gas­es, spe­cial­ty gas­es and refrig­er­ant F-gas­es were also in his busi­ness port­fo­lios at BOC and Linde for many years. Equip­ment, such as two prod­uct ranges of PEM elec­trol­y­sers for hydro­gen pro­duc­tion, high puri­ty gas con­trol equip­ment and gas cylin­ders of all sizes and types were inte­gral to the busi­ness­es that he led.

Since 2017, Stephen has been run­ning the con­sult­ing, coach­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and cli­mate-tech advi­so­ry ser­vices at sbh4. He brings his exper­tise in the hydro­gen, CO2 and indus­tri­al gas­es val­ue chains to his net-zero advi­so­ry work. Addi­tion­al pil­lars of decar­bon­i­sa­tion where he advis­es are bio­fu­els, lithi­um ion bat­tery recy­cling, sus­tain­able ener­gy, and the elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of indus­tri­al process­es to avoid fos­sil fuel com­bus­tion.