Consulting with a real-world background

Hi, I am Stephen B. Harrison, Managing Director at sbh4.

My pro­fes­sion­al back­ground extends over more than 30 years. Of those years, 16 were in the UK with The BOC Group plc, a FTSE 100 com­pa­ny. More recent­ly, I worked for 10 years in Munich with Linde AG, a DAX30 organ­i­sa­tion. As a result of this inter­na­tion­al expe­ri­ence, I am bilin­gual in Eng­lish and Ger­man and I have dual nation­al­i­ty.

For more than half of my time at BOC and Linde, I cham­pi­oned and led a niche Spe­cial­ty Gas­es busi­ness with­in these two Indus­tri­al Gas­es giants. So, I have expe­ri­enced the big cor­po­rate envi­ron­ment and the more inti­mate small firm cul­ture that thrived in the spe­cial­ties divi­sion.

Since 2017, I have been run­ning my own con­sult­ing prac­tice at sbh4 where I advise on net-zero tech­nolo­gies, projects and strate­gies. I main­tain close con­tact with the indus­tri­al gas­es sec­tor through my work with gas­world & H2 View. I write for both of these lead­ing trade pub­li­ca­tions and I am also a mem­ber of their edi­to­r­i­al advi­so­ry boards.

My insight, expe­ri­ence, ener­gy and exper­tise are at your ser­vice.


sbh4 GmbH
Kran­zl­straße 21
82538 Geretsried OT Gelt­ing

Tel +49 (0)8171 24 64 954

Tax ref­er­ence num­ber: 139/137/20827
USt-IdNr: DE314432033

Coun­ty Court Munich trad­ing reg­is­ter: HRB 235949
Legal Enti­ty Iden­ti­fi­er (LEI): 89450010HHLQFO48ZZ58

Com­merzbank AG
(For­mer­ly Dres­d­ner Bank AG)
IBAN: DE26 7008 0000 0250 4467 00 (EUR, USD, AUD)
IBAN: DE96 7008 0000 0250 4467 01 (GBP)

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