Recommenations & testimonials

Feedback from friends and colleagues

Over the past decades, I have made many friends in busi­ness. I have learned much from them and from the feed­back that I have received, I know that they have appre­ci­at­ed my work. At sbh4, most of our work is done for reg­u­lar and return­ing clients who we have sup­port­ed over many years on mul­ti­ple engage­ments.

To request a selec­tion of open ref­er­ence let­ters that have been writ­ten by clients of sbh4 GmbH please use this link.

Below is a selec­tion of rec­om­men­da­tions from my LinkedIn pro­file.


David Strong, Solu­tions-Ori­ent­ed Man­ag­ing Direc­tor with Exten­sive Invest­ment Man­age­ment Back­ground / Expert Com­mu­ni­ca­tor & Rela­tion­ship-Builder / High­ly Skilled in Mar­ket Research, Finan­cial Analy­sis & Cor­po­rate Devel­op­ment Strate­gies:

“Stephen Har­ri­son is far and away the most knowl­edge­able, strate­gic thinker I have ever come across in decar­boniza­tion. His glob­al under­stand­ing of the issues and solu­tions is matched only by his abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate in a crys­tal clear man­ner. Those who can explain the com­plex, are those who tru­ly under­stand the com­plex, and Stephen is the epit­o­me of a domain expert.”

Thomas Hein­rich, Man­ag­ing Con­sul­tant at Nex­an­tE­CA:

“Stephen and I have been work­ing togeth­er on a num­ber of hydro­gen projects. It has been a joy to exchange ideas with Stephen, giv­en his excel­lent tech­ni­cal and mar­ket knowl­edge and col­lab­o­ra­tive approach.”

Pree­tam Singh, Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor at Dept. of Ceram­ic Engin­erring, IIT (BHU) Varanasi:

“Stephen‘s ded­i­ca­tion and pas­sion towards prop­a­gat­ing Hydro­gen ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy is immense. He is a straight for­ward expert who can take right step and ask real ques­tions. His search­ing abil­i­ties, keen inter­est and abil­i­ty to judge a tech­nol­o­gy on new find­ings espe­cial­ly in the field of alter­na­tive ener­gy and hydro­gen econ­o­my makes him high­ly valu­able for insti­tu­tion­al sup­port and mak­ing envi­ron­men­tal poli­cies. His efforts and achieve­ments are com­mend­able and worth huge recog­ni­tion. I am sure he will deliv­er a clean hydro­gen pow­ered ecofriend­ly world with his con­tin­u­ous effort, ded­i­cat­ed work and man­ag­ing skills.”

CCUS and decarbonisation

Gabriel Padín González, Renew­able hydro­gen and e-fuels project devel­op­ment engi­neer at AtlantHy/Renewable energies/Green hydrogen/Synthetic fuels/Carbon cap­ture/Pow­er-to-X

“Stephen’s arti­cles on hydro­gen, car­bon uti­liza­tion and e-fuels pro­duc­tion are quite clear and con­cise, con­tribut­ing to the dis­sem­i­na­tion on a top­ic of such rev­e­lance to the ener­gy tran­si­tion as car­bon uti­liza­tion and syn­thet­ic fuels.”

Rob van Strat­en, Entre­pre­neur, Exec­u­tive, Strate­gic Advi­sor – Cli­mat­e­ch, Car­bon­tech, E-mobil­i­ty, Direct Air Cap­ture (DAC), GRC:

“Last week of Feb­ru­ary 2024 I had the plea­sure lis­ten­ing to Stephen’s pre­sen­ta­tion on the Gas­world Euro­pean CO2 Sum­mit in Inns­bruck. I was impressed by Stephen’s excel­lent analy­sis and thought­full view­points on the top­ic of eFu­els and the CO2 sup­ply chains being recon­fig­ured, includ­ing com­par­ing Bio­genic and Direct Air Cap­ture as future sources of CO2. And his pre­sen­ta­tion was deliv­ered in a very engag­ing way. I rec­om­mend any­one to join one of his ses­sions if pos­si­ble at all.”

Simone Sat­ta, Project Offi­cer at GSEO – Green & Smart Ener­gy Orga­ni­za­tion:

“Stephen is one of the lead­ing experts inter­na­tion­al­ly in CCUS, low-car­bon hydro­gen, and GHG emis­sions reduc­tion. In addi­tion to his pro­fes­sion­al exper­tise, Stephen’s enthu­si­asm, ded­i­ca­tion, and com­mit­ment have made it a great plea­sure to col­lab­o­rate with him.”

Business Strategy

Joseph Yu, Pres­i­dent and CEO at SN Aboitiz Pow­er:

“Stephen is a very sharp busi­ness leader who is able to devel­op a com­pre­hen­sive strat­e­gy and break them down into coher­ent pro­grams and ini­tia­tives. He is a relent­less man­ag­er who guides his team in deliv­er­ing stretch objec­tives and prepar­ing for future expan­sions.”

Kostas Ral­lis, Linde Gas, Ger­many:

“Stephen has exem­plary strate­gic vision, great team play­er, fair and objec­tive. Hard work­ing, ded­i­cat­ed, pas­sion­ate and with great net­work­ing skills. It was a plea­sure work­ing with him for 6 - 7 years.”

Jens Waldeck, Head of Region Europe Cen­tral by the Linde Group:

“Stephen is a very expe­ri­enced and suc­ces­ful man­ag­er in the area of Spe­cial­ty Gas­es but not only lim­it­ed to that. Strat­e­gy, Busi­ness Acu­men, Vis­i­ble Lead­er­ship and Peo­ple Devel­op­ment are strong Lear­ship Com­pe­tences to men­tion.”


Dr. Alas­tor Cole­by, Envi­ron­men­tal Spe­cial­ist & Social Ecol­o­gist in Hong Kong:

“Stephen is a knowl­edge­able expert in CCS and Hydro­gen in the oil and gas sec­tor, and is a use­ful con­tact for con­sul­ta­tions.”

Shiv­an Aham­param, Seg­ment Leader – Elec­tri­cal & Elec­tron­ic Prod­ucts at BASF:

I have worked with Stephen for a few years and I am impressed with his peo­ple skills and busi­ness acu­men. He under­stands the needs of the mar­ket and cus­tomers very well.

Ben­jamin Schaller, Project man­ag­er and prod­uct man­ag­er chez Pan­Gas AG – The Linde Group:

“It is always a plea­sure to meet Stephen per­son­naly or in tel­co. Stephen and his team are help­ing us to get infor­ma­tion from mar­kets; they ana­lyze and give us the glob­al trends. He helps us in intro­duc­ing new prod­ucts tar­get­ing these trends. His glob­al view and detailed infor­ma­tion is wel­come. His ‘human qual­i­ties’ also. Many thanks!”


Sam Reed, Hydro­car­bon Sales Con­sul­tant at Holt Ener­gy Advi­sors:

“I attend­ed two of Stephen’s ses­sions of Hydro­gen train­ing for the Class of H2 - an Intro­duc­tion to Hydro­gen and a deep­er dive into Elec­trol­y­sis and Ther­mol­y­sis. The ses­sions were very infor­ma­tive, and were deliv­ered in a clear, con­cise and inter­est­ing for­ma.”

Paul Ather­ley, Chair­man:

“Many thanks to Stephen for his enthu­si­as­tic and extreme­ly knowl­edge­able pre­sen­ta­tion of Hydro­gen as a com­plex, rapid­ly emerg­ing and extreme­ly impor­tant ener­gy source. High­ly Rec­om­mend­ed!”

Daniel Sax­ton, CNex­an­tE­CA Mar­kets & Prof­itabil­i­ty:

“Stephen was engag­ing and extreme­ly knowl­edge­able as one of the lead instruc­tors of NexantECA’s Hydro­gen course.”

Industrial Gases Industry expert

Susan Brown­low, Free­lance PR pro­fes­sion­al and writer for ener­gy, indus­tri­als, sci­ence & tech­nol­o­gy:

“I have worked with Steve Har­ri­son in his capac­i­ty as Glob­al Head of Spe­cial­ty Gas­es & Spe­cial­ty Equip­ment at Linde since ear­ly 2009. In my own capac­i­ty as an expe­ri­enced, indus­try-based, inde­pen­dent PR con­sul­tant work­ing for Linde Gas­es, I can state with real con­vic­tion that Steve is undoubt­ed­ly not only one of the most adept and intel­li­gent sources for media sto­ries that I have had the plea­sure to inter­act with, but also one of the most enlight­ened.”

Wern­er Schnei­der, Glob­al prod­uct man­ag­er rare gas­es, The Linde Group:

“Steve has great expe­ri­ence in spe­cial­ty gas­es busi­ness, his knowl­edge of mar­kets and appli­ca­tions is out­stand­ing.
I know him as a per­son who is very focused and has clear visions. His inter­na­tion­al back­ground and inter­cul­tur­al expe­ri­ence helps him to be very suc­cess­ful in his role.”

Mar­tin Schlögl, Coun­try Man­ag­er CZ&SK at Hach / Dana­her Cor­po­ra­tion:

“Steve is a respect­ed pro­fes­sion­al ful­ly com­mit­ted to his job. His knowl­edge in area of Spe­cial­ty Gas­es & Equip­ment is enor­mous and well bal­anced with his busi­ness acu­men. He nat­u­ral­ly moti­vates peo­ple around him to con­tribute and get things done. Steve is a bril­liant pre­sen­ter, with great tal­ent to catch the audi­ence. It is very inspir­ing to work with him and I am look­ing for­ward to oth­er projects and coop­er­a­tion with Steve.”

Program & Project Management

Sandeep Sen, Group CIO at The Linde Group:

“Stephen is very strate­gi­cal­ly focused and cus­tomer ori­ent­ed and enjoys a high lev­el of cred­i­bil­i­ty with­in the organ­i­sa­tion. Stephen has also a great rep­u­ta­tion on deliv­ery of projects.”

Mari­na Hong, VP Human Resources at Bec­ton Dick­in­son:

“Steve is a very good men­tor and man­ag­er to his team. He works in a mul­ti faceted role which requires exper­tise in project man­age­ment and prod­uct knowl­edge.”

Kathy Hock­er, Exec­u­tive Leader / P&L/ Cul­tur­al Trans­for­ma­tion / Cus­tomer Expe­ri­ence / Dig­i­tal Ser­vices / Inter­na­tion­al / Gen­er­al Man­ag­er

“Stephen is an excel­lent busi­ness and peo­ple leader. He con­sis­tent­ly won sup­port from glob­al peers and stake­hold­ers to own and imple­ment pro­grams. He is extreme­ly pas­sion­ate about cus­tomers and focus­es on resourc­ing the right areas to dri­ve growth through cus­tomer engage­ment and mar­ket inno­va­tion. He has a great blend of tech­ni­cal, mar­ket­ing and lead­er­ship exper­tise which I high­ly val­ued, and was an asset to our team.”

Acquisitions and divestments

Kyle Jack­son, MBA, Pri­vate Equi­ty at Third Bridge Group Lim­it­ed:

“I’ve worked with Stephen on sev­er­al com­mer­cial, strate­gic and oper­a­tional due dili­gence projects on indus­tri­al gas­es. In addi­tion to this, we have host­ed him via thought-lead­er­ship Expert Inter­views with a very large num­ber of eager bulge brack­et funds join­ing in to lis­ten to his per­spec­tives. I deal with exec­u­tives at for­tune 500s on a dai­ly basis and Stephen is definit­ly one of the most intel­li­gent and well spo­ken experts I’ve ever dealt with. What impressed me most was not only his deep reser­voir of indus­try knowl­edge but his abil­i­ty to con­vey this infor­ma­tion in such a suc­cint man­ner.”

Alan Watkins, EGM indus­tri­al spe­cial­ists at Wes­farm­ers Indus­tri­al & Safe­ty:

“Stephen is both fierce­ly intel­li­gent and pas­sion­ate about his work. He played an impor­tant lead­er­ship role in the Linde-BOC merg­er through his tech­ni­cal abil­i­ty and will­ing­ness to embrace the major changes per­son­al­ly.”

Nigel Lewis, Char­i­ty Direc­tor and Trustee

“Stephen played a key role in prepar­ing for a pos­si­ble divest­ment of part of BOC’s busi­ness in the UK and reor­gan­i­sa­tion of the remain­ing activ­i­ty. He demon­strat­ed ini­tia­tive in address­ing key areas such as IT, com­mu­ni­cat­ed well across all team mem­bers and respond­ed rapid­ly to all anti-trust and M&A infor­ma­tion requests. It was great to work with Stephen dur­ing such a chal­leng­ing time for the busi­ness.”


Rajan Varsh­ney, Deputy Gen­er­al Man­ag­er at NTPC Lim­it­ed:

“Stephen has a clear and inspir­ing vision for hydro­gen as a tool for decar­bon­i­sa­tion and cli­mate neu­tral­i­ty. I appre­ci­ate his glob­al thought lead­er­ship and inspi­ra­tion.”

Robin­son Lei­va, CEO at Cym­sa:

“It was a plea­sure work­ing with Steve. Very smart, respect­ful, open mind­ed and with very good tech­ni­cal, per­son­al and lead­er­ship skills.”

Paul Mar­tin, Senior Part­ner:

“My time with Stephen was some of the best in my career. Brings enjoy­ment to the job, is always encour­ag­ing out­side of the box think­ing, and togeth­er we got a lot accom­plished.”

Coach and mentor

Ruth Leland, Sales and Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er Europe, Refin­ing and Chem­i­cals at John­son Matthey:

“I worked for Stephen on a glob­al step out project for BOC Sci­en­tif­ic. I learned a great deal from him dur­ing this time - he allowed me to devel­op and input my own ideas, as we well as pro­vid­ing me with great sup­port and coach­ing. He was keen for me to devel­op and present my ideas to the spon­sor­ing board and real­ly helped me to improve my busi­ness devel­op­ment skills.”

Dominik Michel, Founder and Project Man­ag­er for Startup/Spinoff at Linde AG:

“I had the plea­sure to have Stephen both as my direct man­ag­er and as a men­tor. Steve knew how to get the best out of me and moti­vate me at the same time. His struc­tured work­ing style helped me under­stand how to man­age mul­ti­ple projects at the same time with­out los­ing track. In his role as a men­tor Stephen sup­port­ed me in the pos­si­bly best way I could have imag­ined and was of great help when­ev­er I need­ed direc­tion or a sec­ond view on some­thing. I would def­i­nite­ly work for Stephen again.”

Wendy Sadler-Moyes, Busi­ness Man­ag­er with Strate­gic Mar­ket­ing and Sales, Prof­it and Loss, and Busi­ness Trans­for­ma­tion Expe­ri­ence:

“Stephen is a high­ly intel­li­gent indi­vid­ual whose will­ing­ness to share his depth of knowl­edge and wealth of expe­ri­ence assist­ed me great­ly in com­ing up to speed quick­ly in my new role as Mar­ket Man­ag­er Spe­cial­ty Gas­es (Aus­tralia). He worked tire­less­ly with me show­ing me how to uti­lize key mar­ket dri­vers in con­junc­tion with indus­try growth fig­ures to fore­cast the capac­i­ty require­ments of a new mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar Spe­cial­ty Gas­es plant. He was a great men­tor, always so sup­port­ive and an absolute plea­sure to work with as part of his Glob­al Spe­cial­ty Gas­es and Equip­ment team. I wish him every suc­cess.”

Team player

Mag­nus Karl­son, Head of Hos­pi­tal Sales:

Stephen is extreme­ly com­pe­tent in the area of spe­cial­i­ty gas­es and their appli­ca­tions, how­ev­er, what I imme­di­ate­ly think when I hear his name is pas­sion, few peo­ple are so engaged and com­mit­ted as Stephen!

Mike Poo­ley, Pres­i­dent CHEP Europe:

“I have known Stephen for over 20 years. He is a high­ly pro­fes­sion­al, artic­u­late and intel­li­gent per­son with strong senior man­age­r­i­al skills. He has a great abil­i­ty to engage col­leagues, cus­tomers and his team.”

Kevin Lee, Head of Region­al Mar­ket­ing, East Asia:

“Stephen has excel­lent strate­gic insight and adopts a thor­ough but prag­mat­ic approach. I found Stephen to be very per­son­able and his col­lab­o­ra­tive style was high­ly effec­tive in dri­ving inno­v­a­tive growth ini­tia­tives.”

Making it happen!

Sami Aho­nen, Look­ing for new chal­lenges in Sales/Management/Strategy/Digitalisation/Change/B2B:

“Stephen has a real­ly high ener­gy lev­el and one can count on him fin­ish­ing all the tasks he promis­es. A true pro­fes­sion­al who knows what he speaks about, con­vinces oth­ers to join his agen­da and can real­ly make things hap­pen.”

Andrew Har­vey, Head of Health­care, EMEA at Linde:

“Stephen is per­haps the most intel­li­gent per­son I know. His qual­i­ty of work is out­stand­ing.”

Ann Hall­sor, For­mer Glob­al Busi­ness Data Man­ag­er, Busi­ness Solu­tions at The Linde Group:

“Steve just makes things hap­pen! Total­ly pro­fes­sion­al and results dri­ven.”