Graphics by sbh4

A pic­ture can be worth a thou­sand words. At sbh4 we also think visu­al­ly and have devel­oped some graph­ics and dia­grams that make com­plex process­es vivid and more easy to under­stand. You can down­load the pdf files for pro­fes­sion­al use (all graph­ics © sbh4 GmbH). If you would like a high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion for use in print media, please con­tact us.

Graphics ordered by name

Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing Met­al pow­der pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 70 Kb

Air-fed Ammo­nia Pro­duc­tion Process
Show / down­load PDF, 96 Kb

Air source heat pump oper­a­tion with refrig­er­ant gas recir­cu­la­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 226 Kb

Air, water and renew­able elec­tric­i­ty for e-fuels and e-fer­til­iz­ers
Show / down­load PDF, 591 Kb

ATR for Ammo­nia Pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 141 Kb

ATR for Syn­gas pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 125 Kb

Blue Ammo­nia Pro­duc­tion Process with GHR/ATR
Show / down­load PDF, 95 Kb

Blue Hydro­gen Pro­duc­tion Process with GHR/ATR
Show / down­load PDF, 108 Kb

Busi­ness matu­ri­ty and typ­i­cal decar­bon­i­sa­tion invest­ment char­ac­ter­is­tics
Show / down­load PDF, 631 Kb

Cat­a­lysts for Reform­ing, Pow­er to Liq­uids (PtL), Ammo­nia and Pow­er to X path­ways
Show / down­load PDF, 599 Kb

CCUS tech­nolo­gies – Absorp­tion based
Show / down­load PDF, 732 Kb

CCUS tech­nolo­gies – Adsorp­tion based & oth­ers
Show / down­load PDF, 718 Kb

CO2 liq­ue­fi­er with ammo­nia refrig­er­a­tion cycle
Show / down­load PDF, 47 Kb

Com­pressed gas hydro­gen refu­elling sta­tion lay­outs
Show / down­load PDF, 62 Kb

Cryo­genic Nitro­gen Gen­er­a­tor to Pro­duce Gaseous and Liq­uid Nitro­gen
Show / down­load PDF, 45 Kb

DAC tech­nolo­gies for direct air cap­ture of car­bon diox­ide
Show / down­load PDF, 489 Kb

Dif­fi­cult to decar­bonise indus­tries
Show / down­load PDF, 226 Kb

E-fuels, e-fer­til­iz­ers and e-chem­i­cals pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 669 Kb

Elec­trol­yser pro­duc­ers and emerg­ing play­ers
Show / down­load PDF, 47 Kb

Elec­trol­y­sers: AEC, AEM, PEM and SOE for hydro­gen (and syn­gas) pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 220 Kb

Elec­tron­i­cal­ly pow­ered syn­gas and hydro­gen pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 281 Kb

Ener­gy den­si­ty of CNG com­pared to var­i­ous forms of hydro­gen
Show / down­load PDF, 735 Kb

Ener­gy den­si­ty of LNG and alter­na­tive liq­uid ener­gy vec­tors
Show / down­load PDF, 271 Kb

Estab­lished Car­bon Cap­ture Tech­nolo­gies – VSA and Amine Sol­vent
Show / down­load PDF, 122 Kb

Fuel gas­es are where the ener­gy sec­tor and indus­tri­al gas­es meet
Show / down­load PDF, 70 Kb

Gasi­fi­ca­tion, com­bus­tion and oxy-fuel com­bus­tion in the Allam cycle
Show / down­load PDF, 242 Kb

Gasi­fi­ca­tion, Oil refin­ing, Cement & Steel­mak­ing can use oxy­gen from elec­trol­y­sis to decar­bonise
Show / down­load PDF, 95 Kb

Green iron and steel – a diver­si­ty of routes to decar­bon­i­sa­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 87 Kb

Haber-Bosch Ammo­nia Syn­the­sis Process
Show / down­load PDF, 47 Kb

High tem­per­a­ture indus­tri­al heat pump oper­a­tion with refrig­er­ant gas recir­cu­la­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 569 Kb

Hong Kong Town Gas –Tai Po Cat­alyt­ic rich gas naphta/methane reformer and CO2 cap­ture process
Show / down­load PDF, 73 Kb

Hydro­gen, hydro­gen derivates and e-fuels
Show / down­load PDF, 95 Kb

Inter­na­tion­al ship­ping of hydro­gen car­ri­ers deriv­a­tives and e-fuels
Show / down­load PDF, 73 Kb

Joule-Thom­son Effect for Heat­ing and Cool­ing of Gas­es as They Expand
Show / down­load PDF, 73 Kb

Low pres­sure alka­line water elec­trol­y­sis process
Show / down­load PDF, 729 Kb

Methane pyrol­y­sis, gasi­fi­ca­tion and com­bus­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 305 Kb

Methane pyrol­y­sis for hydro­gen pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 347 Kb

Methane pyrol­y­sis tech­nolo­gies for turquoise hydro­gen pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 858 Kb

Min­er­al­i­sa­tion process­es for CO2 emis­sions reduc­tion in cement mak­ing and con­crete pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 410 Kb

Min­er­al pro­cess­ing using elec­trol­y­sis to enable decar­bon­i­sa­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 79 Kb

Nitric Acid and Ammo­ni­um Nitrate Pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 84 Kb

Nitro­gen sup­ply modes accord­ing to puri­ty and vol­ume required
Show / down­load PDF, 69 Kb

Ost­wald Process for Nitric Acid Pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 74 Kb

Oxy­gen-fed Eth­yl­ene Oxide Pro­duc­tion with Inte­grat­ed CO2 Cap­ture
Show / down­load PDF, 71 Kb

PEM-Elec­trol­yser Stack Archi­tec­ture and Crit­i­cal Com­po­nents
Show / down­load PDF, 569 Kb

Poten­tial loca­tions for CO2 Cap­ture from Steam Methane Reform­ing
Show / down­load PDF, 104 Kb

Pres­surised alka­line water elec­trol­y­sis process
Show / down­load PDF, 548 Kb

Pres­surised PEM elec­trol­y­sis process
Show / down­load PDF, 548 Kb

Prod­uct over­laps and gas flow in the ener­gy, chem­i­cals & indus­tri­al gas­es sec­tors
Show / down­load PDF, 81 Kb

RGH2 Chem­i­cal Loop­ing Stage 1: Reduc­tion and bio­genic CO2 pro­duc­tion from land­fill gas or bio­gas
Show / down­load PDF, 99 Kb

RGH2 Chem­i­cal Loop­ing Stage 1: Reduc­tion and CO2 pro­duc­tion from BFG BOFG
Show / down­load PDF, 102 Kb

RGH2 Chem­i­cal Loop­ing Stage 2: Steam oxi­da­tion and hydro­gen pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 95 Kb

RGH2 Chem­i­cal Loop­ing Stage 3: Air oxi­da­tion and oxy­gen-deplet­ed air gen­er­a­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 81 Kb

Renew­able hydro­gen pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion, stor­age and util­i­sa­tion val­ue chains
Show / down­load PDF, 90 Kb

Renew­able pow­er and ener­gy stor­age tech­nolo­gies, their capac­i­ty and dis­charge time
Show / down­load PDF, 88 Kb

SMR, ATR, POX and GHR process­es for syn­gas pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 401 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Elec­trol­y­sis for ener­gy-effi­cient e-fer­til­iz­er pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 520 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Elec­trol­y­sis for ener­gy-effi­cient e-fuels pro­duc­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 592 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Elec­trol­y­sis process for hydro­gen gen­er­a­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 45 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Elec­trol­y­sis process for hydro­gen gen­er­a­tion (util­i­ty gas­es shown)
Show / down­load PDF, 45 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Co-Elec­trol­y­sis process for syn­gas gen­er­a­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 45 Kb

Sol­id Oxide Co-Elec­trol­y­sis process for syn­gas gen­er­a­tion (util­i­ty gas­es shown)
Show / down­load PDF, 45 Kb

Steam Methane Reform­ing – Chem­istry
Show / down­load PDF, 179 Kb

Steam Methane Reform­ing – Decar­bon­i­sa­tion
Show / down­load PDF, 74 Kb

The Allam cycle for nat­ur­al gas – oxy-fuel ther­mal pow­er gen­er­a­tion with inte­grat­ed CO2 cap­ture
Show / down­load PDF, 96 Kb

The Allam cycle for nat­ur­al gas or coal – oxy-fuel ther­mal pow­er gen­er­a­tion with inte­grat­ed CO2 cap­ture
Show / down­load PDF, 96 Kb

Ultra­pure Water for Elec­trol­y­sis
Show / down­load PDF, 22 Kb

Ultra­pure Water for Elec­trol­y­sis Unit Oper­a­tions
Show / down­load PDF, 41 Kb